This short course will teach you a few basic flamenco steps, typical to the Tangos style
Let's get everyone on the dance floor!
Enjoy a mini performance then participate in a fun flamenco workshop and learn to dance flamenco
Especially tailored for hen's parties 🪩
Hi! I'm Belinda,
a flamenco dancer living in Perth, Australia 🦘

I've been performing and dancing flamenco for more than 35 years

And now?

I'm your Flamenco Dance Coach!
Why am I for you?
  • BECAUSE you love flamenco, you've always wanted to learn and now you are!
  • BECAUSE you danced flamenco in the past, only it's been a little while (oops!) and now you want to get back in to it
  • BECAUSE you know flamenco is not just a hobby, it's a LIFESTYLE
I'm talking the dresses, the flowers, the costumes, the music, the food, the culture, the warm Andalucían sun and.. the SHOES!!

You feeling me?

Drills and technique are important (of course!) but I know you want to dance flamenco NOW

..not later, after hours of training

And that's what my coaching is all about - teaching you the basic flamenco steps so you can dance flamenco right NOW 💃🏽

Learn more about me >>
I'm all about ...
Fun with Flamenco
and...Fin de Fiesta 💃🥳
Join the FREE Facebook Group
This group is dedicated to all things flamenco and improvisation

Maybe it hasn't happened yet, but sooner or later if you love flamenco, there's going to come a time when you're "asked" to improvise
And the BEST time to learn how? when you're a beginner
Not only so you're prepared when the time comes. But also because understanding how the singing works and how the guitarist is playing is fundamental in EVERY flamenco dance you learn

So if you're a flamenco dancer, new or not-so-new, you want to learn how to dance flamenco AND know more about the 'secret' world of how the heck do you improvise - this is the place for you 🌍
Click HERE to join the party

Join in, make mistakes, learn something new, share what you know, ask questions about the parts you don't get and if you're willing... show us your moves 💃

Let's learn to dance flamenco and how to improvise together 😎  Olé!!

Want to join in the fun at Fin de Fiesta?
Here's how I can help you ...
MASTERCLASS: Catching the Caída
Get on the fast track to never missing the cues in the music again!
MINI COURSE: The Bulerías Bank
Build a bank of signature steps for your Bulerías Patada in less than 7 days
SIGNATURE COURSE: Become a Bulerías Boss
A step-by-step method teaching flamenco dancers how to improvise -- the easy way
free guide
The Insider Secrets To Improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta!
🎉 FREE Masterclass 🎉
Want to know how to improvise Bulerías Por Fiesta without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or not knowing the parts of the dance!

Steal my step-by-step framework which shows you how to 'get' this improv thing
even if you can't tell the beginning of the letra from the end.. just yet
 Click the button below to join me in my FREE Masterclass - The Insider Secrets To Improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta!
Take me to the Masterclass
What's happening on my Instagram...
What's happening on my YouTube...
How to put the steps with the letra
What you should know BEFORE you go out to improvise
How to dance the classic Bulerías step - Paso de Bulerías
IMPROVISE por Bulerías with these 5 steps at Fin de Fiesta 
Send me the FREE Guide 💌
(c) 2024 The Flamenco Coach
50% Complete
Almost there ⛳
The 5 Essential Steps You Need to Dance Bulerías Por Fiesta
– so you can join in the fun on the Fin de Fiesta floor!
By opting in to this freebie, you'll also receive the occasional email from me. They're awesome 😎
50% Complete
Almost there ⛳
Learn The Insider Secrets To Improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta